Hello and thank you for your interest in the Mama Thrive Community!

I will officially be opening the doors to the community Summer 2024 and can't wait to have you join us. In the meantime, please feel free to enter your name and email address below so I can send you the link to join a passionate group thriving mamas just as soon as it opens.

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Yay...I can't wait to meet you on the inside!

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Did we just become
Mom Friends?

A community Gathered on purpose.

Sounds Fun. Tell me more!

"We're not like a regular community, we're a cool community" 😉
All kidding aside though —
this is THE hub where all the things Mama Thrive happen! 
Here you'll find a growing online (non-FaceBook) community exclusively for those looking to rock all ages and stages of motherhood and totally get their mama thrive on. From sharing stories & milestones to wellness challenges, cheering on others, and more — let's crush this thing together!

A community Gathered on purpose.

Did we just become
Mom Friends?

"We're not like a regular community, we're a cool community" 😉
All kidding aside though —
this is THE hub where all the things Mama Thrive™ happen! 
Here you'll find a growing online (non-FaceBook) community exclusively for those looking to rock all ages and stages of motherhood and totally get their mama thrive on. From sharing stories & milestones to wellness challenges, cheering on others, and more — let's crush this thing together!

Sounds awesome. tell me more!

This free guide was created for YOU! Here you’ll find a sample of nourishing, simple, healthy practices to help keep you (and your family) thriving through the season.

A Seasonal Wellness Guide to Help you thrive all summer long

MEAL PLANS for Mindful Mamas

Modern nutrition advice during lactation needs a makeover! Why? Because the food you eat while breastfeeding really does matter! So let me help take the guesswork out of it for you.

Each plan is mindful, seasonal, & super delicious. Bon Appétit!

Free Download!

deeply nourish mom + baby

Grab the Free Guide

Limited Time Only!

This free seasonal wellness guide was created for YOU! Here you’ll find a sample of nourishing, simple, healthy tips to help keep you (& your family) thriving through the season all summer long.

grab the free guide

Free Download!

Limited Time Only!

Modern nutrition advice during lactation needs a makeover! Why? Because the food you eat while breastfeeding really does matter! So let me help take the guesswork out of it for you.

Each plan is mindful, seasonal, & super delicious. Bon Appétit!

MEAL PLANS for Mindful Mamas

deeply nourish mom + baby

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Nourishing recipes, wellness tips, tricks, + inspiration (& perhaps a silly story or two) sent right to your inbox every week!

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A Holistic Maternal & Child Health Practitioner, using real food nutrition and organic living to raise my farm grown kids on our California Central Coast farm. I help empower mamas (& the professionals who support them) to thrive like a mother.™ 
You ready?

I'm Rebecca Burditt.

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The information on this website is not intended to serve as a substitute for professional medical advice and is not intended to diagnose, treat, prevent, or cure any disease. Read full medical disclaimer here.